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How to Improve Sleep Time While Working Remotely?

Are you wondering how can I increase my deep sleep hours or how can I increase my sleeping time? Well, this is for you!
While remote working or work-from-home has been around for more than a decade, it's only after the pandemic that it truly gained popularity. And as we can see now, it is here to stay.
However, one of the main challenges of remote work is striking the right balance between professional and personal life.
Sometimes, you may forgo a few hours of sleep for work or may even start the day with your laptop in bed. All this can hamper your slumber in the long run.
So, what should you do? How to improve sleep at night when working remotely? We bring you all the answers ahead. Stay tuned!

Remote Work and Its Effect on Sleep
Before we talk about the solution, let’s address all the common problems. Here’s how remote work can have an adverse effect on sleep.
1. Blurred Boundaries
Working from home can blur the boundaries between personal and professional life. Late nights or irregular work hours can hamper your circadian rhythm, which is your body's internal clock, and cause sleep disruptions.
Also, you end up forgoing your personal life. Your everyday becomes only about your work, which is not good for your mental health.
2. Prolonged Exposure To Screens
Imagine this. You have an 8-hour workday. Your day starts at 10 am, and you take your own sweet time with things. You spend time listening to music maybe, simultaneously watching a TV show and whatnot! Now, while you should have ideally finished work by 7, you end up stretching it till almost 10 pm.
It not only disrupts your personal life but can lead to prolonged exposure to screens, which can suppress the production of melatonin (the sleep hormone).
3. Bringing Office To Your Room
This is especially true for those who enjoy working from bed. We have all been there.
Once or twice, it's great. But when your cozy mattress becomes your regular workspace, the stress associated with work starts to spill over into this personal space. This can make it difficult for you to fall asleep as you no longer view your bed as a relaxing space.
4. Doomed By The Flexibility
The idea of flexibility is great on the paper. But it just means work becomes a part of every moment of your life. This can make you work past your bedtime and even lead to irregular sleep cycles.
When irregularity becomes consistent, it can throw off the body’s internal clock and negatively affect sleep quality.
5. Feeling Of Loneliness
Remote working may not be for all, especially the social butterflies who thrive amidst people. So, if you are one of those, at times, it can get lonely and even negatively impact your mental health.
6 Ways How to Improve Sleep Time While Working Remotely
Without any further delay, let’s unpack all the easy ways how you can improve sleep when working from home effortlessly!
1. Don't Let Flexibility Get the Best of You
As aforementioned, flexibility can be a bane rather than a boon. Don't be fooled by it. So, how to improve sleeping time? Well, start by having a clear routine. Just like you would in an office, have proper work timings. Let's say, you start your work at 10 am and you have an 8-hour shift.
Don't extend the day's break by more than an hour. You can have two short 15-minute breaks and 30 minutes for your lunch. This way, you finish by 7 pm and have the evening for yourself to relax and indulge in your hobbies. This helps you get rid of any stress and helps improve sleep.
2. Have a Designated Work Space
Are you still using your mattress as your office? You must stop doing that to improve your sleep. It's as simple as that.
Whether small or big, have a designated area for your work. It would be great if it could be something other than your bedroom. This lets you separate work and personal life. Also, as they stay, leave your stress at work. When you have a designated space, this becomes possible.
So, when you enter your room, it will be only for sleep and relaxation, which helps you fall asleep effortlessly.
3. Bring Home a Comfy Mattress
Sometimes, the culprit can be as simple as an old mattress. So, if you are wondering how to improve the quality of sleep time, maybe it's time for a new mattress.
Go with a brand that comes with a robust warranty and trial nights so you can try it before committing to it. Also, opt for advanced sleep technology like SmartGrid by The Sleep Company.
The amalgamation of comfort and support you will enjoy will surely improve sleep time and quality and also help you achieve new heights in productivity.
A good quality mattress even ensures you wake up without any stiffness or pain, which lets you finish your work on time. This is how to improve sleep at night!
4. Be Strict with Your Bedtime
The easiest way how to increase deep sleep hours is to be consistent with your bedtime. Always go to bed and wake up at the same time, even on weekends. This ensures your internal clock is set well.
What happens then? Well, your alertness and cognitive function during the day go up, along with your sleep quality at night.
Also, in the long run, your body gets accustomed to it and associates certain times with sleep. This makes it easy to unwind and fall asleep.
5. Limit Screen Time before Bed
If you work from home, it probably means you do something on a computer. Too much blue light is not good for you. Blue light suppresses melatonin and makes it harder for your body to signal that it’s time to sleep.
And, when the melatonin levels go down, it can delay sleep onset and reduce sleep quality. So, how to improve your sleeping time easily? By avoiding screen an hour or two before bedtime. If you need some entertainment, you can lead a calming booking or listen to some soothing music.
6. Have a Relaxing Routine to Unwind
One of the ways to improve sleep quality given the amount of time you spend at work, is to have a routine to unwind.
It can be absolutely anything that brings you joy and helps you let go of the stress of the day. For instance, once you are done with work, shut down your computer, if necessary, take a warm shower, and get ready to unwind for the day.
You can indulge in some therapeutic cooking or meditation or simply relax with your favorite show or book. This is the time to do things you enjoy. How does it help? Well, it keeps stress away, which, in turn, can improve sleep. Some other things you can try include;
- Journaling
- Listening to music
- Practicing Mindfulness
- Saying positive affirmations
- Indulging in herbal tea
- Talking to friends and family
- Taking a calming stroll and connecting with nature
Sleep and work from home can be a compatible pair when you do it right. The one core ingredient that helps you maintain a balance is having a strict routine for yourself. Having a set work time not only lets you do more with your personal time but also promotes better sleep quality.
Also, the above-mentioned tips can be truly beneficial and help improve sleep and productivity. Lastly, if you think your mattress is the culprit, bring home advanced sleep technology with The Sleep Company's SmartGrid mattresses. From Smart Ortho for incredible back support to Smart Hybrid, we bring you a range of options that perfectly fit your needs.
Say yes to impeccable comfort and support for the best slumber of your life with The Sleep Company!
1. Why is it important to maintain a regular sleep schedule while working remotely?
It is super important for you to maintain a regular sleep schedule while working remotely to keep your body's internal clock in check. This not only helps you improve sleep but also enhances focus and productivity, and lowers stress.
2. What are some tips for winding down after a day of remote work?
A few tips for winding down after your workday include;
- Avoid too much screen time.
- Do gentle stretches to relax the body.
- Take a warm shower and indulge in some skincare.
- Try meditation or other relaxation techniques to let go of any stress.
- Do calming things you enjoy, like reading a book or listening to music.
Hope this helps!
3. How can I balance work and rest when my home is also my office?
A few things you can do to balance personal and professional life when working from home include;
- Have a designated workspace
- Don't work from bed
- Have a set routine
- Take short yet regular breaks
- Unwind after work
4. Can adjusting my remote work schedule improve my sleep time?
Yes, one hundred percent! When you adjust your work schedule for something healthier, something that strikes the balance between personal and professional life, it can significantly improve sleep. This is because it lets you align your work hours with your natural energy levels and circadian rhythm.