Comfort Grid Technologies Private Limited


The purpose of the Policy is to ensure that: 

a) the Customers are treated fairly and without bias, at all times. 

b) the Complaints raised by the Customers are dealt with courtesy and resolved in a timely manner. 

c) the Customers are informed of the avenues to escalate their Complaints within the Company. 

d) the Customers are informed of their rights so that they can opt for alternative remedies if they are not fully satisfied with the Company’s response or resolution to their Complaints

Process of Grievance Redressal

Customers who have any Complaints can follow the following process for redressal: 

Primary Level 

If you want to raise a complaint pertaining to any of our services, you can contact us through the below options

  • a) Write us an email at
  • b) Call us at +91-9811981911

Secondary Level 

In case, the Complaint is not resolved within 7 (Seven) working days from the date of filing of the Complaint or the Customer is not satisfied with the response or the resolution provided to the Customer at Primary level, the Customer may escalate the Complaint by writing at and we will respond to you within 48 hours from the receipt of your email. 

Escalation Matrix

  • Level 1: Grievance Redressal Officer

    In case, the Customer is not satisfied with the response or the resolution provided to it by our Escalation desk at the Secondary Level, or the Complaint is still not resolved within the period of 14 (Fourteen) working days from the date of receipt of the Complaint, Redressal Officer of the Company, the Customer may escalate the matter to our Grievance Redressal Officer –Mansi Nagda by writing at  and we will respond to you 48 hours from the receipt of your email.

  • Level 2: Principal Nodal Officer

    In case, the customer is not satisfied with his or her resolution of the complaint, despite escalating to our Grievance Redressel Officer, the customer may appeal to the Principal Nodal Officer  - Jamian Benjamin by writing at and we will respond to you within 48 hours from the receipt of your email.

Redressal of the Complaints

  • a) The Customers are advised to file the Complaint by furnishing complete details of the same to the Company. 
  • b) The Company shall provide the necessary clarification/justification with respect to the Complaint, to the satisfaction of the Customer, and take all appropriate measures to resolve the Complaint within 30 (Thirty) working days from the date of receipt of such Complaint. 
  • c) In case any additional time is required for the resolution of the Complaint, the Company shall inform the Customer about the requirement of such additional time along with the expected timelines for the resolution of such Complaint. 
  • d) A record of all Complaints filed by the Customers and the response or resolution provided by the Company shall be maintained by the Company as per the Company’s policy.