10 Dangerous Sleep Myths

10 Dangerous Sleep Myths

As humans, we readily believe the stories that come to us about anything; most of the time, we don’t even consider checking the facts about it. 

In recent times, science has advanced significantly, and many myths have been cleared out by scientists with the help of research and studies. 

Despite this advancing science and studies to prove the wrongs of myths, they still remain common and are spread via word- by- mouth for centuries, and now it has other mediums like social media and the internet.

Sleep is also not spared from such myths, and contrary to scientific proof, they are widely believed and may lead to poor and unhealthy sleeping habits and their horrific impacts on overall health. 

The common myths related to sleep that can prove fatal to you in the long term:

1. More than five hours of sleep is not productive 

According to scientists, this is one of the most common across the globe and a highly harmful myth. Many adults believe that sleeping less than five hours gives you extra working hours, which helps you achieve some impossible goals after reading biographies of many successful, rich, and famous people. 

However, it’s not true, and chronic sleep deprivation can only lead you to harmful health hazards in the long term. Though there might be a variability in the requirements of every individual’s sleeping hours, according to scientists, the average and ideal sleep every individual requires a day is 7 to 9 hours. 

2. Sleeping time is not crucial if you are getting enough sleep

Another myth related to sleep that always makes it to the top ten is that sleeping time is not essential but only enough sleeping hours. Our body is aligned with nature’s clock, and sleeping and waking are co-related to the day and night schedule. Following your body’s natural clock, called the circadian rhythm, is vital for better health.Today, people find it difficult to sleep on time due to work shifts and other reasons. Its negative impacts causes you health issues in no short time. 

3. The brain stops working when you sleep.

Another common myth that runs deep across the community and its people is that the brain stops working when you sleep. It’s next to impossible since an inactive brain equals being dead. 

The brain remains and becomes more active when you sleep, performing various tasks like emotional processing, memory restoration, and repairing and healing your body.

4. Snoring is harmless

Many people are prone to make those weird sounds via their noses in deep slumber, which we take as harmless. However, those sounds or snoring are far from when they occur regularly.

Chronic and loud snoring can be a symptom of severe sleep disorders like sleep apnea or breathing disorders where you fail to take the oxygen your body requires. 

It’s better to buy mattress online with an elevated bed frame or a pillow that will elevate your head high enough to help you breathe easily and reduce snoring.

5. A good sleeper means you can sleep anywhere and anytime.

A good sleeper is a person who gets enough sleep every day without any disturbances and struggles. However, the most common misconception or myth about good sleepers is the ability to fall asleep anywhere and anytime. 

According to scientists, falling asleep anywhere and anytime is not a sign of a good sleeper but a sign of sleep deprivation, sleep disorders, and health issues. 

6. Napping makes up for the lack of sleep.

Many try to compensate for their incomplete night’s sleep with naps during the daytime and believe it’s the correct solution. However, it’s not true, as naps are not meant for enough hours to complete all stages of sleep cycles that we get during the constant night sleep. 

Apart from this, daytime naps fail to compensate for your sleep debt and keep you awake for long hours, causing sleep deprivation and other health issues. 

7. Teens fail to complete their sleep only because they stay up late voluntarily.

When it comes to teenagers, their usually late sleeping habits are associated with playing games on mobiles or watching television, but it’s not always the same.Many teenagers fail to achieve adequate hours of slumber every night due to their biological changes when they hit puberty. 

Other factors, such as personal decisions to stay up for work or social engagements, may worsen this naturally delayed sleep scheduling.

8. Lying in bed makes you fall asleep eventually.

We often hear our adults suggest we remain on the mattress even if we can’t fall asleep as sleep comes. However, it’s another harmful myth associated with sleep for as long as anyone can remember.

In reality, if you continue to follow this practice, your brain subconsciously starts connecting insomnia or sleep deprivation with laying on a mattress and acting accordingly.

Also, sometimes your mattress fails to help you fall asleep as it is unsuitable for your body for various reasons, such as its old, broken, or with wrong firmness. Thus, buy luxury mattress online, which can help you eliminate problems related to falling asleep. 

9. Alcohol is the best remedy for sleep improvement.

Many prefer that sip of alcohol before hitting the bed every night to get rid of the whole day’s exhaustion and tiredness and get better sleep. Alcohol may make you feel drowsy and get you to sleep eventually, but research shows that it affects the quality of sleep and declines considerably after alcohol consumption. 

Also, regular alcohol consumption may impact your physical, emotional, and social life in the long term by making you addicted. 

10. Sleeping on the hard floor is healthy.

Like many other sleep myths, this one is by far the oldest and most common lie followed by many people worldwide. Many believe that for good body posture or to reduce back pain, sleeping on the floor helps. Many also claim that sleeping on the floor helps them sleep better than on a mattress. 

However, researchers suggest that sleeping on the floor may make you have intense back or body pain, lower body temperature, and directly expose you to allergens or dirt.

Thus, sleeping on the mattress is most beneficial for you with various benefits like improving body posture, reducing extra pressure on hips, shoulders, and spine in different sleeping positions, helping you maintain body temperature, and so on. 

If you still love the firmness of the floor, then buy the Sleep Company’s Smart mattresses which can provide you with enough of both firmness and softness at the right body parts. 

Thus, one must be aware of these myths and stay far away from them to have the best sleep quality.

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