How Do You Cure Children Sleep Talking?

How Do You Cure Children Sleep Talking?

We have all seen how once in a while, our partners or children mumble in their sleep. Too much stress or too little sleep can be a factor.

Now, this behaviour is also quite normal. But it is categorized as sleep talking when the frequency goes up, and it becomes an everyday occurrence.

Sleeptalking is a sleep disorder and just like any ailment, there are levels of severity associated with it.

So, the first step to helping your child is to understand everything about this sleep disorder . Let's get started!


What Is Sleep Talking?

Also known as somniloquy, sleep talking is a sleep disorder where a person talks in their sleep. This isn't limited to an unintelligible conversation.

When a person sleep talks, they may end up having a full-blown conversation with you like they are awake.

Sleeptalking doesn't have a common set of symptoms. A person going through the episode may talk gibberish, speak in another voice, or even sing.

In most cases, the sleep-talking episodes are forgotten once they wake up.

Even today, doctors don't know much about the reason behind this sleep disorder and it needs more research before we get a concrete answer. But if you are wondering is sleep talking normal? Well, it is usually harmless. However, it also depends on the severity.


Severity of Sleep Talking

Our sleep cycle is divided into four stages. In stages 1 and 2, we are yet to reach the deep sleep stage. So, when a sleep talker is in these stages, they may have complete conversations that make sense.

However, in stages 3 and 4, we have reached a deeper sleep state. So here, speaking while sleeping may sound like mumbling or moaning and is hard to comprehend.

Now, the severity of sleep talking is based on its frequency. If it occurs less than once a month, we can call it mild. Moderate is when your child sleep talks once a week and the conversations don't really disturb anyone else in the room.

It is severe when sleep talking occurs every day and is loud enough to trouble others in the room. It is seen that less than 10% presented this frequency in a study.


Reasons for Sleep Talking in Children

Here are a few reasons for sleep talking in children. Knowing this will help you overcome the sleep disorder to a great extent.

Reasons for Sleep Talking in Children

1. Stress and Anxiety

Children are usually happy-go-lucky with nothing much to worry about. That doesn't mean they don't feel stressed or anxious just like us adults. There can be something going on at school or trouble in a friendship, which can trigger this emotional response. And, this can be one of the reasons why your child has suddenly started sleep-talking.


2. Lack Of Sleep

Sleep and good health go hand-in-hand. And, they are especially crucial in children as they can help with growth and development. Not getting enough sleep or irregular sleep patterns can lead to sleep talking. Poor sleep can be due to a variety of reasons, such as a low-quality or uncomfortable mattress.


3. Illness

Being very sick or having a high fever can trigger sleep talking. However, this only lasts until the child is unwell.


4. Genetics

Sleep talking can be a family trait. So, if you or your partner tend to sleep talk, your child might too.


5. Other Sleep Disorders

Sleep talking can be a symptom of other sleep disorders, such as night terrors. Therefore, it becomes important that you observe their sleep behaviour.


6. Medicines

Certain medicines tend to affect sleep patterns adversely, which can lead to sleep-talking episodes. If you have noticed this in your child after they have started taking a certain medicine, talk to your doctor today.


How To Stop Sleep Talking

Now that we know the reasons, let’s take a look at how to stop sleep-talking. Remember, while sleep talking cannot be cured, they tend to resolve on their own. However, these tips will help improve the sleep quality of your child, which can help with sleep talking.


Have a Proper Sleep Routine for Your Child

If you are wondering how to stop sleep-talking and are worried, don't be! Sleep talking isn't usually harmful. And, one way to get rid of it is to have a proper sleep schedule. It is important to make sure your child falls asleep and wakes up at the same time. A consistent bedtime can do wonders.

But how does it help? Now, a regular routine tells the brain that it's time to fall asleep and this makes it easier to slide into a deep slumber in no time. Having a predictable routine also curbs any stress and anxiety, which can be the reason for sleep talking.


A Comfortable Room

One of the easy ways to reduce sleep talking is to ensure your child gets proper sleep every night. And, to do this, you must ensure they have a comfortable room that's ideal for sleep. A few things to keep in mind are:

  • Make sure the room is dark. If needed, you can always opt for blackout curtains.
  • Keep the room cool and at an ideal temperature that your child prefers.
  • Make sure you have a kid’s mattress for your child as the beds are designed for your little one and can help them sleep better.
  • Also, the perfect mattress size for the bed is important to maintain comfort. So, you can always look at the mattress size guide before making a purchase.
  • Keep the room quiet. You can also use white noise if it helps.

Have A Healthy Bed-Time Routine

A healthy bedtime routine helps your child relax, which reduces stress and can also help them sleep better. A few things you can try are:

  • A warm bath
  • Reading a story
  • Singing a lullaby
  • Limiting screen time before bed
  • A healthy and light meal before bed

Teach Your Child Relaxation Techniques

A great way how to stop sleep-talking is to help your child relax techniques. For instance, teach your child deep breathing to calm the nervous system.

Soft, soothing music or nature sounds can also create a tranquil atmosphere that aids in relaxation.

When To See A Doctor For Sleep Talking

If you are worried or you think the frequency of sleep talking is going up in your child, it’s okay to speak with your doctor.

In very rare cases, sleep talking may also be a sign of other serious sleep issues. Therefore, getting a doctor’s opinion is always the best idea.

The Final Note

Now you know how to stop sleep-talking. However, it is not a serious condition and is quite common in children. Usually, it requires no treatment and can go away on its own. But there are treatment options like cognitive behaviour therapy that you can talk to your doctor about.

That said, you can always create a cosy environment for your child with a comfortable bed to help them sleep well.

A mattress is super crucial as it must support them as they snooze. That's why, The Sleep Company is here with Smart Baby Mattress and Smart Kids Mattress for your little one. These mattresses are designed using SmartGrid Technology and come with a firm feel that's ideal for children. These mattresses are also 100% waterproof and protect them from any accidents.

So, bring home the perfect mattress for your little one that helps them achieve sweet dreams with ease today!


Is sleep talking in children normal?

Yes, sleep talking in children is usually normal. It often happens during light sleep stages and doesn’t indicate a serious problem. A few factors like stress, fever, or genetics can be the reason. Most children outgrow it without needing treatment but make sure you consult your doctor for more.

Does sleep talking affect my child's sleep quality?

"Sleep talking doesn't usually significantly affect a child's sleep quality. It usually occurs during lighter stages of sleep and may not disturb their rest. However, if sleep talking is accompanied by other sleep issues or occurs frequently, it could potentially impact their sleep. Here, talking to your doctor is important.

Is there a cure for sleep talking in children?

There is no cure as of now. However, helping your child relax and sleep in a comfortable room can help curb the symptoms.

Does anything trigger my child's sleep-talking?

There are several factors that can trigger sleep talking in children such as illness, stress, or lack of sleep.

How to stop sleepwalking

Again, like sleep talking, sleepwalking can also be triggered by stress. Therefore, it is important to help your child relax and avoid any triggers

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