Do You Wake Up in the Middle of Your Sleep?

Do You Wake Up in the Middle of Your Sleep?

Do You Wake Up in the Middle of Your Sleep?

Sleeping is one of the most joyful experiences we have in the entire day. After a tiring day, everyone loves to relax and sleep. But how would you feel if you are unable to sleep properly? Many of us keep waking up in the middle of the night. Are you one of them? Waking up abruptly at night can be very irritating. Incomplete sleep at night leads to a sleepy day where you may not be able to give your 100 percent to anything.

What are the probable reasons behind such sleeping patterns? Many times, we experience difficulty in sleeping after an abrupt change in our health and lifestyle. For instance, if we shift to a new place, or have a cold, we may wake up in the middle of the night. If you have been experiencing the problem of waking up in the middle of the night, then you must understand the causes and try to rectify them.

Reasons behind Incomplete Sleep

 Let us look into some of the reasons behind such sleep patterns.


Waking up at night is one of the symptoms of insomnia. It can be caused by many causes that include:

  • Day naps
  • Using remote devices at night
  • Alcohol and drugs
  • Caffeine
  • Physical ailment
  • Pregnancy

If you are suffering from insomnia then you can see a medical expert and get the required treatment.


Our busy lifestyle has an impact on the entire body including the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems. A stressful mind and body lead to poor sleep. The vice versa is also true as poor sleep can result in a stressful body.

Hormonal Changes

The body undergoes hormonal changes at different stages of life. The hormones in our body change during pregnancy, menopause and other physical changes. These changes in the body can lead to disruptions in sleep.


With age, the sleep cycle of the body changes. You may take time to sleep and wake up very early in the morning. Falling asleep after getting up can be difficult.


The core body temperature tends to fall when we sleep. Our body is affected by environmental temperature. Your body may be sensitive to the environment and any temperature change may cause discomfort which might wake you up.

How to Get a Good Sleep?

In case of medical issues, you can connect with a medical expert. Otherwise, you can maintain a good lifestyle and better sleep hygiene to get a good sleep. Here are some of the tips to get a good sleep at night.

Maintain a sleep routine

Start sleeping at a particular time. Make a routine of going to bed early at night at a fixed time. If you repeat this every day then the body cycle adjusts to this routine. Sleeping at a new time every day can be difficult as you start. However, after some days this routine will become effortless and you will start feeling sleepy at the same time every day.

Stay away from distractions

We have digital gadgets around us. Most of us end up using them till late at night. For the best sleep, you should refrain from using digital gadgets at night. They can disrupt the body’s natural sleep cycle and keep you awake. Also, you may come across content that may cause stress and nightmares which can wake you up in the middle of the night.

Get comfortable

Comfort is a must for a good sleep at night. Poor selection of sleeping mattresses can be a reason behind your abrupt waking up episodes. You should examine your mattress to see if there is any kind of distortion. You can buy mattresses online at affordable rates. Today, many good mattress brands in India offer mattresses that fit every budget. Get a good sleeping mattress to get a comfortable sleep.

Watch the environment

If you sleep in a noisy place then waking up in the middle of the night is natural. Try sleeping in a room that is not visited by anyone at the night. Also, take care of the room temperature. The body temperature responds to it and any fluctuation may wake you up. There are many sleeping mattresses available that guarantee temperature and air regulation around the body while you sleep. You can easily get such a mattress online. Try using mattresses with good technology to sleep uninterrupted at night.

Exercise during day

You may struggle to sleep for a long time after you go to bed if the body is not tired. If you do not have a job that involves physical work, start engaging in workouts during the daytime. If you get tired then you will be able to manage a good 6-8 hours of sleep.


Relax during sleep

Stop looking at the clock to see how late it has been. Stop worrying about sleep, life, and everything else. Drain your mind from all the thoughts that bother you before sleeping. Just relax after going to bed. You can meditate to get a good sleep. This will help you in shifting your mind away from any stressful thought.

Good sleeping hygiene and lifestyle will not only improve your sleeping pattern but also your body. With good sleep, you will be able to feel more charged up for the next day. You can wake up early in the morning which again has many benefits. Waking up at night regularly is not a good sign. You should find out the reason and follow the mentioned tips to get better sleep. There are some simpler things such as buying a sleeping mattress online that you can do anytime. You can start with changing your sleeping mattress. Gradually, adopt these lifestyle changes, one at a time, to experience and understand their impact on your sleeping pattern. Finally, make them a routin.

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