Why Do I Still Wake up Tired?

Why Do I Still Wake up Tired?

why do i still wake up tired


Have you ever woken up feeling more tired and sleepy? Trying to figure out how to run the entire day? This may happen several moments in one week and disturbing your concentration levels and not letting you focus 100 percent at work or school or just on a daily routine.

If that’s the first thing that pops into your mind as soon as your alarm clock beeps, a shift in perspective may be helpful. It’s important to manage expectations regarding your sleep in order to feel better about it. To wake up tired can be stressful and lead to a day full of irritation.

Know about Sleep inertia

Sleep inertia is that certain time of feeling grogginess in the morning when we wake up. Our brains never just wake up right after we open our eyes. There are a number of chemical reactions and transitions that take place to reach waking up. That instant feeling one experiences right after they open their eyes is how the mood going to be the entire day.

At the time of those transitions, one automatically feels dizzy and sometimes can go back to sleeping again. This condition usually gets our motor and cognitive skills to work slower which is the reason one does not feel like waking up in the morning. It is said that sleep inertia can remain 30 minutes to 90 minutes of duration, but also positively gets over within 15 minutes to one hour time.

Let us know the moments when one can go through sleep inertia:

It can be when one does not get proper sleep for a continuous week. Sometimes when one wakes up from deep sleep or is woken up. While at important events when you wake before the regular waking up time. These are situations where it takes time to process the entire world around us.

Actions To Take

When one wakes up, sleep inertia is a part of the usual process, but one can minimize its effects by trying the below given steps:

  • Sleep on time and get 7-8 hours of sleep daily.
  • Not sleeping in the afternoon for more than half an hour.
  • Avoid coffee or energy drinks before you go to sleep.

Responsible factors for waking up tired


There are several reasons why sometimes one experiences tiredness after waking, let us find out a few:

Not having ample amount of sleep:

A lot of people assume getting tired the entire day can help them fall asleep easily. While this is a misconception, going through an extensive exercise routine can only ruin sleep and invoke the restless and alertness while delaying sleep

The problem of excessive urination at night:

When someone wakes up more than twice at night for using the washroom, they are likely to wake up moody and tired. In a few situations, this could happen due to health conditions. While consuming too much water/juices/soda before bedtime can cause releasing of liquid during the entire night.

Drinking caffeinated drinks:

As we all know caffeine gives us extra stimulation and gives us the energy to run the day. The same caffeine can disrupt our sleep pattern which results in a lack of sleep at night and waking up tired. The adjustable bed or even proper mattress won’t let you sleep well at night.

Consuming alcohol at night:

Alcohol makes the human body drowsy and makes it fall asleep very quickly. But it can also cause episodes of waking up during the night, making one thirsty. And we are aware of hangovers with headaches because of it.

On the off chance that an entire evening of peaceful rest is trailed by delayed sleeping patterns and sluggishness or low energy levels the following day, compute restlessness from the two going before weeks.

Maintaining sleep hygiene:

Sleep hygiene is a set of healthy habits, changes, and surrounding that matter and can be adjusted to get back to a good and comforting sleep cycle. Few of the daily habits can include the following activities:

  • Not oversleeping in the evening or daytime, especially not more than half an hour. While power naps of 15 minutes are still suggested to regain energy during the day.
  • Going to bed at the same time every day even on weekends, to ensure it happens one can take hot shower baths with the consumption of green tea or dim the lights of your space.
  • Lowering the temperature levels of the room and shutting the blinds to create a cooling and calm environment to sleep in. Few can also benefit from the burning scented candles in their room.
  • Now comes the bedding, a clean and germ-free mattress with a bed that suits your size can be extremely important to maintain sleep hygiene. The bed, with soft pillows and mattress, is the place we are going to rest for 8 hours, if it turns out to be uncomfortable waking tired will be an everyday story.
  • Smartphones however have become our best friend, now avoiding them at night before sleep could be beneficial. Avoiding stressful work before bedtime which includes looking at the laptop screens or phone screens for a longer duration.
  • Waking up and sleeping at the same time is key to a healthy and balanced life. While good diet and exercise are the other key factors. And not to forget drink plenty of water during the day to flush away the toxic substances present in the body.


Sometimes even the perfect mattress of the right bed with calming bedroom space may not be enough to get the proper sleep. At those times a change of daily routine can help you Sleep well. Just getting out of bed washing our faces and lighting up the room bright. Doing bed exercises to get going. The intake of a good amount of water to flush out the impurities of the previous night. Just following a few simple steps every day can make you a lot more energetic and a lot less tired.

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