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How Can You Get Rid Of Night Sweats?

Sweating during the warm weather is a common thing everyone goes through. But sometimes, people suffer from excessive sweating, which results in soaked clothes, mattresses, and comforters. Sometimes you do not realize it until you wake up in the morning, and sometimes, your sleep gets disrupted during the night, and you might feel heavy breathing.
Thus, excessive perspiration on a regular basis is referred to as nocturnal hyperhidrosis or, in simpler terms, “Night Sweats.”
The occurrence of sweaty nights on rare occasions is no reason for concern, but if they occur on a regular basis, they demand care. Night sweats may appear to be a minor issue for many people, but they might be an indication of more significant medical concerns.
How to recognize it?

Sweating is a natural condition that happens in the body to help it cool down. We sweat on a regular basis throughout the day, including at night. Night sweats, on the other hand, are significantly more profuse sweating than typical sweating.
The main distinction between normal and harmful night sweating is the amount of sweat produced and the temperature at which it happens. Night sweats differ from ordinary sweating caused by hot weather or the quantity of clothing layers worn. Night sweats are more like cloth-soaking, unpleasant perspiration that frequently happens regardless of temperature.
What causes it?
Various factors can cause night sweats, including weather, bedroom temperature, mattress condition, and extra layers of clothes. Recent research suggests that persistent night sweats may be a marker of a clinical illness or an underlying disease that we are unaware of.
Night sweats can be caused by a variety of medical issues, including:
- Cancers like lymphoma or leukaemia
- Infections like HIV, Tuberculosis, or Omicron variant of Covid-19
- Endocrine diseases like menopause, endocrine tumours, hyperthyroidism
- Rheumatic disorders like Takayasu’s arteritis, temporal arteritis
- Sleep disorders, anxiety, pregnancy
- Some medicines, such as antipyretics, antihypertensive, and anabolic-androgenic steroids, can also produce night sweats.
How to stop it?

There are certain ways that can help you prevent night sweats, such as:
1. Keep the bedroom temperature stable.
Maintain a comfortable temperature in your bedroom by using air conditioning, a fan, or, if feasible, leaving a window open. Though room temperature is unlikely to be the cause of your night sweats, keeping your bedroom cooler may help you relax and alleviate the symptoms.
2. Wear breathable garments
Whether you have night sweats or not, it is always a good idea to wear comfortable clothing with breathable fabrics when sleeping to keep your body temperature stable. Our body temperature normally drops over the night as we fall deeper into sleep. However, some people’s bodies fail to cool down properly for a variety of causes, resulting in nocturnal sweats. Cotton and other breathable textiles assist them in dealing with excessive sweating issues.
3. Use a mattress that breathes
Your mattress material is another aspect that might help you prevent night sweats. Many mattresses on the market absorb our body heat, elevating our body temperature and causing us to sweat profusely. When you buy mattress online, look for one with cooling characteristics.
With its cooling technology, the newly designed SmartGRID mattress is one of the best mattress online for preventing night sweats. It has more than 2500 air passages that assist you to keep your body temperature cool by not holding body heat.
4. Watch your diet
Alcohol, coffee, and large meals before bedtime can induce an unneeded rise in body temperature, leading to night sweats. Try to avoid them.
5. Before going to bed, relax
It’s usually a good idea to spend some time unwinding before bed to slow the wandering mind and relieve tension and worry, which can cause night sweats. Before going to bed, try to unwind by reading a book or listening to calm music.
Is it serious?
For one cause or another, we all experience night sweats at some time in our lives. As a result, it is best to visit your doctor if the problem persists despite all precautions and the cause remains unknown.