Prepare Your Guest Room For This Diwali Season

Prepare Your Guest Room For This Diwali Season


After two years of a deadly pandemic, we are all hopeful and excited to celebrate the festivals like earlier. Meeting relatives, friends, and family after a long time is what we all look forward to. Many of us eagerly await those beloved guests we have invited to our places to celebrate the light festival, have fun and have new beginnings.

However, in the past two years, due to no visits and isolations, the guest rooms have lost their charms and may have been left unattended, making them dirty, messy, and, in some cases, store rooms. Thus, in order to welcome our guests on the occasion of Diwali, the first thing we need to do is prepare the guest room and make it welcoming and charming for the liking of our beloved guests. So, here are the pointers to ensure that your guest room becomes a better and more welcoming place again.

Its Diwali

Prepare guest room

Before starting preparations for guest rooms, create a layout with details such as the number of guests visiting, the duration of their stay, and their personal preferences according to their age, gender, and comfort. Though you try to bring a personal touch to the guest room according to the guest’s preference, do not forget that each guest is there for a numbered time, and every guest has different tastes. Therefore, make sure to create a standard and simple layout that you can easily modify in a short time for the next guests. Also, you can select a theme and organize everything accordingly.

Cleaning the room 

Once you finalize the layout, start cleaning the room. Remove all unnecessary, broken items and furniture from the room to make space for new ones. Make sure that you remove all cobwebs and layers of dirt from each corner of the room.

Use disinfectants and cleaning detergents to wipe the floors, window panes, walls, furniture, and other things in the guest room to make it bacteria-free. Get rid of those tiny yet harmful insects and roaches by using insect killer sprays. However, ensure that you properly ventilate the room for a few hours before guests arrive to let out the spray’s smell. You can also try home remedies that do not involve poison sprays to avoid any harmful reactions to humans.

Repairing and painting

After removing all unwanted material and dirt from the room, take a thorough look at the room for any damages to walls, doors, windows, cupboards, beds, and other furniture which require repairing. Change all old nuts and bolts, oil all the hinges of doors and window panes, and change window glass if necessary to prevent any damage to guests.

Check all electronic gadgets such as fans, lights, aircon, and electric sockets and get them done before moving ahead. Also, add extra plugs and electric connections for guests to charge their mobiles, laptops, camera batteries, etc.

Once you finish repairing, paint the room red ( not literally, it means to paint the room with pleasant and happy colors.) Use the colors which brighten the room and bring out the happy node, which will help guests forget all the gloominess they faced during past quarantine years.

Decorate the room

After all the cleaning, repairing, and painting, the next step is to decorate the room with decorative items. Do some research on trending decorative items for rooms that will highlight your and your home’s persona, such as vases, paintings, chandeliers, etc.

You can try DIY decorative items to give them a personal touch and make your guests feel more welcomed. However, keep the decorative furniture minimal and do not exaggerate and cramp up the room with decorative items that make guests uncomfortable.

Remove old and worn-out linens

Though old is gold, sometimes using old linens like towels, bedsheets, bed covers, carpet, and curtains for guest rooms, seems odd. Use fresh, clean, and new linens which are stain and stink-free.

If you want to use old linens that are still in good shape, then ensure that you wash them properly and dry them out to remove all kinds of stink, stains, and harmful bacteria. Try to synchronize the colors of the linens with the theme of room color to make them more presentable and attractive.

Prepare Bed

When guests arrive at your place, they use the guestroom maximum for sleeping and relaxing while spending the rest of the time in the living room with you and your family. Therefore, when you prepare a guest room, you must pay maximum attention to preparing the bed for them.

Consider the following when making the bed in the guest room:

  • Use a bed frame which is solid and wide enough for guests to sleep comfortably. You can buy a king-size bed frame that can easily accommodate 2 to 3 guests.
  • Add an extra bed if the guest count is more than the capacity of the primary bed size.
  • Select a mattress that will fit in the bed frame properly.
  • Make sure that the mattress is a good quality mattress that will provide comfort and support adequately to your guests and help them sleep peacefully despite being in a new place.
  • If you use an old mattress, don’t forget to air it out and keep it in sunlight. Also, use disinfectants to remove all mites and molds.
  • If you are buying a new mattress, choose a mattress with features like air circulation, is hypoallergenic, breathable, durable and provides ultimate luxury, just like the Sleep Company’s SmartGRID mattresses.

Arrange mattress companions

Once you select the mattresses, ensure that you arrange adequate mattress companions such as mattress protectors, pillows, and comforters.

  • Protect your mattress with mattress protectors from external damage and stains.
  • Get pillows that will provide enough support and comfort to the neck, shoulders and upper body parts without causing any distress. The Sleep Company’s Smart pillows are the best options to provide extra comfort to your guests.
  • Bring out those old quilts and comforters which grandmothers and mothers made with love and care. Wash and dry them off before offering them to your guests. Though make sure that whether they need it or not, depending on weather conditions in your locality and house.

Little things make the difference.

When you prepare a room for your guests, ensuring about the guest’s personal preferences, such as their favorite's, any allergies, illnesses, etc. and making changes accordingly leaves a great impression on their hearts for sure. It makes them feel loved, welcomed and cared for.

For example, you can buy orthopedic mattresses if your guests are suffering from back pain. The Sleep Company’s Smart Ortho and Smart Ortho Hybrid mattresses are excellent choices if you want to buy orthopaedic mattresses.

Also, you can opt-out for the Sleep Company’s Elev8 Smart Adjustable Recliner Bed, which gives your guest room a modern touch and maximum comfort to your guests, whether they are sitting or sleeping.

Bottom Line

You are going to welcome your guests after a long break and a depressed period of a pandemic. Therefore, your first and foremost priority will be making their stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible but not at the cost of your own comfort and happiness.

Make sure that you and your guests enjoy this festival with some good memories that will help you forget the bad ones from the past two years and bring you closer than ever.

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